Laura Zindel

We currently only offer a select number of Laura Zindel’s work on the internet since to an incredible demand. Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions about our extensive range. We would be delighted to assist you over the phone or by email. Thank you very much for your business.
It’s jewelry for jewelry lovers and jewelry collectors, not jewelry you’ll see on every other girl’s necklace.
The jewelry is inspired by a combination of the jewelry designer Laura Zindel grew up admiring and her love of science fiction, film noir movies and pop art.
Laura Zindel jewelry is jewelry that is made in the same way it was more than a decade ago. It’s jewelry for jewelry lovers and jewelry collectors, not jewelry you’ll see on every other girl’s necklace.
The jewelry is inspired by a combination of the jewelry designer Laura Zindel grew up admiring and her love of science fiction, film noir movies and pop art.